Finally Kashgar! This area in China shares borders with Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirghistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.
Good news, this is our last stop in China, from here we take a two day bus that will take us up to 4700 meters to reach PAKISTAN!!!
And the city?... mmm, not really worth seeing, unless its through a greenish old plastic, floating.
In Urumqi, the capital of the province and the furthest city on earth from the sea.
On our way to Xinjiang province.
This is also called the Independent state of Turkestan. The main ethical population here is, or maybe was by now, Uighur. This is mainly a Muslim area where the caravans of the silk road crossed to get from east to west. Its only desert, and what's left of the Muslim old city is barely nothing. Chinese have this subtle way of burying what ever is in their way...