50% of them are nomads, sparse around the 21 provinces -aimags- in the country.
The dry capital is “under construction”, or “in ruins”… it’s like
There are in total 20,000km of roads, only 2,000 are paved!
Mongolians style sunglasses, singing, love pictures and mother
...most important of all is that Mongolians are extremely nice, simple and generous people; they function as a huge family…
We bought second class tickets… and luckily the four bed cabin was only for us!! But this doesn’t exclude the fact that the bathroom is one per wagon… and doesn’t have a shower… nice…
The Trans-Siberian route from Moscow to Ulaanbaatar took us 6 days... across a vast territory, stopping on big soviet stations, where we could stretch our legs, get fresh air and buy local food - or instant noodles... As an alternative we ate at the train restaurant where Zina prepared the purple soup, Borsch –one of the most popular dishes in
We lost track of time, mainly because the train stations maintain
We killed time reading, playing cards (Nico surprisingly won all the time), trying to read the station names in cyrillic and just starring at the cabin window for hours. The landscape was at the beginning russian steppe, then it progressively turned into siberian pine forests, witch dramatically changed once crossing into the center of mongolian dry plains to finally reach
As we went further into
At the end the experience was amazing… Imagine waking up at 2am every day when it’s actually 7am… or flying from A to B in 6 days… constant noise, movement, sun popping up and down at weird hours and “locked in” the cabin. Conclusion, TRAIN-LAG is much worse than jet-lag… by far.